

Your logo could be here! Contact our PTSA Vice President, Lara Paschalidis,  to be a sponsor today.





Grades 9-11 Photo Day: Thursday, Sept 5

PTSA General Meeting, "Meet the Principal": Wednesday, Sept 11 at 7pm

WHS Open House: Thursday, Sept 26 at 7pm

Homecoming: Saturday, Sept 28


The PTSA Needs You!

Come and Make a Difference - Volunteers Needed for the 2024-2025 PTSA


Have you thought about volunteering? Many roles are open, including School Beautification Committee Chair(s), New Family Liaison Chair(s), PTSA Nominations Chair. Please reach out to Sue Robins if you are interested.


Interested in a low commitment, fun way to participate? The Hospitality Committee needs volunteers on an ad hoc basis. Upcoming events include The Great Thanksgiving Pie Giveaway, Bus Driver Breakfast, Teacher & Staff Appreciation Lunch. If interested, please email Michelle Baronowski